Contextualizing Kabir in Contemporary Times
Aankhin Dekhi, literally means ‘that which is seen through the eyes’, dwells into Sant Kabir
Das’s experiences as seen in his writings. The one hour production is an attempt to
contextualize the work of Kabir in the everyday lives of people today. This is done by
integrating historical discourses with contemporary narratives through three dance forms
namely Kathak, Mayurbhanj Chhau and Contemporary.
The one hour production traverses through three human dilemmas-
1. Restlessness of the mind and soul- Humans as victims of desire and greed.
2. The obsession with outward show of wealth, beauty and devotion- A façade creating an
illusion around an otherwise malign inner being.
3. Division by war and violence and discrimination based on caste, colour, religion and
The production hopes to enlighten people about the truth of one’s existence and further lead them into a better world, a world of hope, joy and universal solidarity.
Duration: 40 mins/60 mins
Genre: Social/ Philosophical
Dancers: 8-10